Sunday, 20 August 2017

Who is General Bulelani Mvengenya

Bulelani Mvengenya
the son of the soil to Umzi wamasame, engumtshana wasemampingeni.
went to Lutubeni Jun. Sec., Kaula Jun. Sec. and Lutubeni High School.
currently Studying towards Bachelor of Arts at the university currently known as Rhodes.
I know the worst and understand the best in my life.
I have passion to all human beings
I am always inspired by the worst survival and by those who work hard for the benefit of others
I have learnt so many things in life, but this is the best, that:
"it's not necessary for use to be loved in order for use to be able to love others"
I like what Dr Nelson Mandela once said during his life time,
"No one is born hating another person because of their colour of his skin, or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be thought to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."

life is only a time to produce, but to create deferent souls because even in the sky stars differ from each other. it is not you who is on the mirror and because you've made them smile it is good. do it again. I live my life full of values. the values that have maintained what looks like an extra ordinary human. a brother for all, a son for all and a father for all. we do not choose what people do to us, but we decide what we do to them. many wronged me and the sun itself refused to look at me.
but I decided not to hate. I wanted to learn how to create instead of destroying what may looks similar to me. even the jail itself is scary and cruel, it's breasts wet from the blood. it is angry from the bush. and always give birth to the monster. but because of values. the monster's sons becomes the priests because everything can change you, but its your choice what to become at the end.

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